From 15 May until 18 December, Wednesdays between 16:03 and 18:00
No broadcast on 25 December

- This site is not directly connected with Ad 's-Gravesande or any of the people behind the Superclean Dreammachine broadcasts
- This page is a wiki in progress; no guarantees are given to its reliability, completeness, etc.
The majority of the albums can still be purchased via online shops like dodax.nl; I've included a link to the appropriate pages in those cases. If not, I have tried to find pages about the albums that give the most information. If you have more information than is presented here (such as broadcast dates for the ones I'm not sure of), or if you notice something wrong with the information, please let me know.
Many of the broadcasts can be downloaded, by clicking on the dates. These are not professional recordings though; they were taped from radio by me and others, and they are of varying quality, incomplete, or were edited or re-recorded later to remove Ad Visser's voice in between the music.
If you happen to have tapes that aren't presented here, or you find links that don't work any more, please contact me too. I can use all the feedback I can get!