Woensdag tussen 14:03 en 15:00; van 2 oktober tot 18 december op maandag tussen 22:02 en 22:55
Geen uitzendingen op 31 mei, 5 tot 19 juli, 30 augustus tot 6 september en 25 december
1971 ←1971 ←
- Deze site is niet direct verbonden met Ad Visser of andere mensen achter achter de uitzendingen van de Superclean Dreammachine
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Neem contact met me op als je banden hebt die hier niet worden weergegeven, of als je links tegenkomt die niet meer werken. Ik kan alle feedback gebruiken die ik kan krijgen!
Datum duur |
Gedraaide platen | Opmerkingen |
bron: AVRO 000072 Ad Visser Superclean Dreammachine.mp31972-01-12? 28 min |
Nazareth - Nazareth Witchdoctor Woman Red Light Lady (Part I & II) Morning Dew Bell+Arc - Bell+Arc Yat Rock Let Your Love Run Free |
Onbekende uitzenddatum. Kan iemand helpen? |
Oorspr bestand was 72-09-xx-02-Patto.mp31972-09-20? 13 min |
Patto - Hold Your Fire Hold Your Fire You, You Point Your Finger |
bron: P rood+C groen1972-10-02 48 min |
Chicago - Chicago V Dialogue (Part Two) [eind] The Kinks - Everybody's in Show-Biz - Everybody's a Star Here Comes Yet Another Day Celluloid Heroes Top of the Pops [begin] Brainwashed [eind] Mr. Wonderful Chicago - Chicago V State of the Union Freddy King - Texas Cannonball Big Legged Woman Me and My Guitar Pink Floyd - Obscured by Clouds Childhood's End Absolutely Curtains Obscured by Clouds |
bron: C groen cut 21972-10-09 51 min |
Jimi Hendrix - War Heroes Izabella Earth Opera - Earth Opera Time and Again Death by Fire As It Is Before Arthur Lee - Vindicator You Want Change for Your Re-Run Hamburger Breath Stinkfinger Jimi Hendrix - War Heroes Midnight Beginning Black Sabbath - Vol. 4 Wheels of Confusion |
bron: C rood1972-10-16 54 min |
Family - Bandstand Burlesque Ready to Go Top of the Hill Ellis - Riding on the Crest of a Slump Your Game El Doomo Angela Stone the Crows - Ontinuous Performance On the Highway Niagara One More Chance |
bron: O groen cut 11972-10-23 57 min |
Budgie - Squawk Hot as a Docker's Armpit Mott the Hoople - All the Young Dudes Momma's Little Jewel All the Young Dudes Mott the Hoople - Mott the Hoople Rabbit Foot and Toby Time Half Moon Bay Mott the Hoople - All the Young Dudes Sweet Jane One of the Boys Ready for love / After Lights Budgie - Squawk Stranded Hot as a Docker's Armpit [fragm] |
bron: O groen1972-10-30 46 min |
Genesis - Foxtrot Watcher of the Skies Jan Akkerman - Profile Fresh Air (Must Be My Land / Wrestling to Get Out / Back Again / The Fight / Fresh Air - Blue Notes for Listening / Water and Skies Are Telling Me / Happy Gabriel?) Lindisfarne - Dingly Dell All Fall Down Plankton's Lament Bring Down the Government Dingly Dell Genesis - Foxtrot Supper's Ready [incompleet] |
bron: O rood1972-11-06 58 min |
The Allman Brothers Band - All Men's Brothers Black Hearted Woman Dreams In Memory of Elizabeth Reed The Nice - Autumn '67-Spring '68 America Tantalizin' Maggie Geronimo Black - Geronimo Black An American National Anthem Bullwhip L.A. County Jail '59 C/S Let Us Live Siesta The Nice - Autumn '67-Spring '68 Dawn [fragm] |
← noot: vanaf 40:22 slechte kwaliteit |
bron: M groen1972-11-13 38 min |
Ten Years After - Rock & Roll Music to the World You Give Me Loving Convention Prevention You Can't Win Them All Standing at the Station Home - Home Dreamer Baby Friend of Mine Western Front [fragm] My Lady of the Birds Santana - Caravanserai Every Step of the Way |
← uitzending begint halverwege You Can't Win Them All |
bron: F rood cut 11972-11-20 52 min |
Wild Turkey - Turkey The Street See You Next Tuesday The Return Seanor & Koss - Seanor & Koss Mystery Train Babylon It's a Beautiful Day at Carnegie Hall Give Your Woman What She Wants A Hot Summer Day Bombay Calling |
bron: P groen1972-11-27 56 min |
Halfnelson - Halfnelson Big Bands Simple Ballet (No More) Mr. Nice Guys Fletcher Honorama Moody Blues - Seventh Sojourn Lost in a Lost World New Horizons Focus - Focus 3 Focus III Answers? Questions! Questions? Answers! Anonymous Two |
← Halfnelson veranderden later hun naam in Sparks |
bron: P groen+P rood1972-12-04 54 min |
Crazy Horse - At Crooked Lake Lady Soul Vehicle Jim Price - Sundego's Travelling Orchestra You Got to Live Jefferson Airplane - Long John Silver Long John Silver Alexander the Medium Barclay James Harvest - Baby James Harvest One Hundred Thousand Smiles Out Summer Soldier Moonwater Grand Funk Railroad - Phoenix Freedom Is for Children Flight of the Phoenix |
← vanaf 25:15 tot 32:00 storingen er doorheen en een deel van Mother Says van Joe Walsh |
bron: P rood1972-12-11 55 min |
Malo - Dos Momotombo John Mayall - Moving On Worried Mind High Pressure Living Deep Purple - Made in Japan Highway Star Child in Time The Mule Malo - Dos I'm for Real |
bron: K groen cut 11972-12-18 54 min |
Elephant's Memory - Elephant's Memory Liberation Special Baddest of the Mean Uriah Heep - The Magician's Birthday The Magician's Birthday Vinegar Joe - Rock 'n Roll Gypsies So Long It's Gettin' to the Point Neil Young - Journey Through the Past Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young - Find the Cost of Freedom Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young - Ohio Neil Young with The Stray Gators - Words The Tony & Susan Alamo Christian Foundation Orchestra & Chorus - The "King of Kings" Theme |